Fiche cheval triple triple

swifty handicap - section 1R6C4plathappy valley1200 M13631412 partantsDépart 12:45
112melbourne hallH69p7p1p0p7pchadwick m./101:09
25hero starH72p4p1p2p2pde sousa s./11 l 1/4
38success fighterH54p3p9p6p0pbentley h./1tete
46island shineH75p7p8p1p0phamelin a./11 l
53triple tripleH84p7p4p7p5ppurton z./11 l 1/4
61equilibrium turboH48p8p3p0p6phewitson l./11/2 l
74young life foreverH49p8p0p0p6pleung k.c./1cte tete
89regent gloryH57p2p5p3pcurrie l./11/4 l
910happy soulH45p6p9p0p0ppoon m.f./1tete
1011win win charityH49p7p9pho c.y./11 l
112above allH54p9p1p1p9pmaia r./12 l 1/2
127perfect rockH40plai h.w./110 l

the taxation institute of hong kong 50th anniversary cup (handicap) -2R6C4plathappy valley1200 M13631412 partantsDépart 12:45
18herculesH73p5p6p5p2pbadel a./101:10
22exuberantH50p5p3p2p6pbentley h./11/2 l
39happy tangoH78p8p9p7p5phewitson l./11/2 l
43triple tripleH87p4p7p5p5ppoon m.f./1nez
511birdsvilleH40p0p6p5p6pyeung m.l./11 l
65smiling cityH78p4p3p1p8pmaia r./11/2 l
710lorizH76p9p4p7p5pleung k.c./1cte tete
86blustitchH40p8pferraris l./12 l 1/2
94compassion superH41p4p9p7ppurton z./1cte tete
1012strive for gloryH51p5p6p5p3pchadwick m./14 l
111wild west wingH60p0p8p4p0pborges v./11 l 1/2
127country treasureH40p4p5p0pcurrie l./16 l 1/2

chung hom kok handicap - sec 1R6C5plathappy valley1200 M13631411 partantsDépart 13:15
111our class actH45p0p8p7p7pleung k.c./101:10
24hardly swearsH87p3p5p2ppurton z./11 l
35shining fortuneH47p3p8p6p7pteetan k./1encolure
43harmony n homeH62p2p9p4p5pbentley h./1cte tete
56sight heroH50p8p0p4p3pcurrie l./1cte tete
67happy soulH49p0p0pho c.y./1nez
72triple tripleH84p7p5p5p7ppoon m.f./11 l 1/4
88take what you needH73p8p2p0p2phewitson l./1nez
91kokushi musouH51p0p4p2p1pbadel a./1encolure
109united endeavorsH41p5p6p0p0pmo h.t./1encolure
1110noir riderH60p0p9p0pwong h.n./16 l

sung tak handicap - sec 2R6C4plathappy valley1200 M104000012 partantsDépart 12:15
18sugar sugarH42p5p4p0p6pmoreira j./101:09
211touch faithH54p0p9p6p1pbadel a./12 l
310take what you needH78p2p0p2p6phewitson l./1encolure
42triple tripleH87p5p5p7p4ppurton z./11 l
54bingo bingoH53p4p5p2p4pbentley h./1cte tete
61pleasant endeavorH55p1p4p7p6pchan k.h./11/2 l
75blissful lifeH50p7p0p0p8pchau c.l./11/2 l
83august moonH50p2p1p4p3pleung k.c./1cte tete
97dragon kingdomH50p1p3p6p2pteetan k./11 l 3/4
1012happily friendsH64p7p0p0p0pho c.y./11 l 1/2
116oversubscribedH70p8p1p8p0pferraris l./1encolure
129ambitious heartH91p8p2p0p0ppoon m.f./1encolure

harcourt handicap - sec 2R5C5plathappy valley1200 M104000011 partantsDépart 12:45
16wind speederH54p9p8p0p3pho c.y./101:09
23harmony n homeH62p9p4p5p0pbentley h./11/2 l
34gem of south chinaH50pyeung m.l./11 l
410touch faithH50p9p6p1p0ppurton z./1encolure
52fast paceH70p9p8p4p0pferraris l./1nez
67lorizH79p4p7p5p7phewitson l./1encolure
71triple tripleH85p5p7p4p5pshinn b./13/4 l
811island surpriseH55p5p5p4p0pbadel a./12 l 1/2
95win win charityH4Inéditmaia r./11 l
109noir riderH60p9p0p(21)8pchau c.l./13/4 l
118farshadH86p8p0p3p0pmoreira j./12 l 1/2

sapphire handicapR2C9platsha tin (hong kong)1400 M18938913 partantsDépart 09:10
11sauvestreH54p3p3p1p2ppurton z./101:21
28ka ying excellentH64p2p0p7p5pbentley h./13/4 l
32mr ascendencyH43p0p0p4p0pteetan k./11 l
45beauty gloryH45p3p4p3p7pferraris l./1encolure
513triple tripleH85p7p4p5p1plai h.w./11 l 1/4
610erimoH42p1p3p2p2pmoreira j./11 l 1/4
76super tenH59p1p8p5p5phewitson l./11/2 l
84setantaH57p5p5p8p7pcurrie l./1cte tete
93en pointeH57p3p1p3p1pshinn b./1encolure
1012gracyloveH61p6p0p0p0pchadwick m./12 l 1/2
7wealthy delightH67p0p(21)9p7pbadel a./13 l 1/2
9compassion spiritH68p8p0p2p6ppoon m.f./12 l 1/2
11colourful baronH30p0p0pmo h.t./13 l 1/2

guangdong vocational institute of sport handicapR2C8platsha tin (hong kong)1000 M18938914 partantsDépart 08:40
111alcariH87p1p2p2pteetan k.12/100:55
28run run coolH54p1p1p4p5ppurton z.2.85/11/2 l
37metro warriorH63p0p6p9p4pho c.y.7.2/13/4 l
412seven heavensH82p0p0p0pcurrie l.15/13/4 l
514triple tripleH87p4p5p1p5plai h.w.66/13/4 l
69hong kong winH78p6p7p4p5phamelin a.10/1cte tete
76seizing the momentH61p1p2p1p3pborges v.17/1cte tete
83classic unicornH72p7p0p0p0ppoon m.f.10/1cte tete
94jumbo fortuneH45p4p0pferraris l.42/13/4 l
101carroll streetH53p0p5p(21)1pbadel a.6.3/1tete
112atomic forceH30p4pmoreira j.11/13/4 l
1213california forestH40p9p0p9p7pmo h.t.125/1nez
135ping hai bravoH69p(21)7p9p0pchau c.l.35/13/4 l
1410highly proactiveH70p0p8p8p0pwong c.104/1tete